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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 18 - Happy Birthday Dad

 SWENSENS OF YUMMYNESS! A grand start to my dad's birthday. I think it was more like a gift to us because he didn't order anything and we did.
This kid was adorable and zoned out watching tv. know - my sister is obsessed with him.

 For some reason, when I saw fish, i thought of Pokerface.
Octopus tentacles O_O
 and giant sea shrimp O_O
 and my brother falling asleep O_O
 No wonder people here are healthy, they drink tea at every restaurant and I'm not talking about the southern sweet sugarfilled tea kind.
 For my dad's birthday, we ate at a place with koi fish.

Cake time at home for my dad. We put 6 and 3 candles on each side. He is 63 :O he's so old. We like to call him grandpa.

 My brother: "Where's your fork?"
Me: "What fork?"
My brother: "I gave you a fork, I put it on you while you were laying down watching glee"
Me: "When?"

*after we get cake and all*

My brother: "THERES YOUR FORK!"
Me: "OH, I see"

Guess what I'm doing? TUMBLING.

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