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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 15 - Kanom Chine

We went to the Thai I.D place for my sister's ID and my Dad's renewal. A thai ID is given at age 15ish and is just an ID - not a driver's license. Makes sense since not everyone here drives a vehicle. Unfortunately it took 2 hours + of waiting for my dad's renewal with not even a packed place. My sister needs more paperwork. While waiting we captured amazing footage of a sleepy brother. He wasn't the only one though, I fell asleep in my chair while reading.

After the ID place we decided to WALK to Tesco Lotus.... my dad said it was 1.5 miles. It was more like, 1/2 of a mile, but it was blazing hot.

 We thought this was an alligator.. But it is just a REALLY BIG LIZARD. Like, super huge. Definitely don't want to swim in there.

 KANOM CHINE! Across from MK. "ICE TEA" here is Thai tea. It was wonderful and sooooo good. I finish drinks within 2 minutes, really. There is a fact you didn't know. I'm not sure why, but if you give me any drink, I will finish it before you get 1/4 of the way of yours.
 So the spice level here is 10x above my spice level. This is green curry, something I've made before. But WHOA, I was sweating while eating this. Whenever they tell me it is mild/not that spicy, I should know it means "It is a level 9 out of 10 for you"
 My dad is attempting to take a picture with this asian phone he has. My sister and I feel weird without our phones, but I actually like not having one because I hate my phone.

 For dessert we went to DQ.
They have a green tea blizzard, ooh.
Actually my brother got a cone for...30 cents
These japanese food sets is only 3-5 bucks. Comes with an entree, soup, salad, etc. It looks super good from the window, we have to try it out someday.
 My blizzard is a cute small one. It was less than a $1 and was fulfilling. Of course it is M&Ms. My M&Ms craving needs to be filled every once in awhile. I also have a craving for scrambled eggs and grilled cheese. Someone fill it when I get back?
Oh yeah, my cousin Dear is back for the weekend again! She only had one class today. I wish I had one class on a day. She snores like a panda - haha.

My sister and the Talking Tom Cat app.

So I signed up for TCDC yesterday because I wanted to attend a design lecture -->  Paola Zini
As many times as I told my dad and my aunt the date, my aunt booked us staying at a nice hotel called Hua Hin at the beach the 14th and 15th. Super fantastic and good to know I'll be going to the beach, but sad I'll miss the design lecture I've been waiting to go to this whole month.

Well, hope they record it?

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