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Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 45 - Preparing for B2ST

The whole day we did laundry and hung them up to dry. We literally sweated the whole day in our PJs until Dear got home. Then, we decided to take a trip to Central plaza to prepare for B2ST!!! Tomorrow tomorrow.

Their lovely paved sidewalks make for a great tripping montage because I trip once everytime I walk on their sidewalks.

*harry potter geek mode*
It was only 5 bucks for the top balcony seats of perfect eye view. I mean, hell yeah! Also, It is the 1st showing at noon on July 14th, meaninggggg... since bangkok is 12 hrs ahead, I get to see it a full day ahead of everyone in the U.S


*harry potter excitement mode*

My sister got a ticket too, but she isn't a huge fan. She hasn't read the books or seen all the movies. My siblings suck because they aren't into the greatest literature of all time and my brother just complains on the thickness of the book. PFFTTT.

I can't find any harry potter stuff here =[
Also, when you buy tickets to a theater here, you get to pick the seats. AWESOME!
And my assumption of it being full was wrong because there was only 5 other seats in the huge theater picked. I forgot it is on a thursday, school/workday. Even more awesome because this theater wont be super full, but then again it isn't a midnight premiere. This is like... the most epic movie and there won't be anybody dressing up or to geek out with. This is a little sad as I want to see people dressed in harry potter costumes. I want to see a snape, students in cloaks, people in harry potter glasses, hand-made costumes of wizard wear, someone as voldemort, etc. The HP Deathly Hallows Part 1 happened in a theater full of UT college students dressed as someone. My roommate was Hedwig and I was a Ravenclaw. The one before that was with my close friends back in Boro.

Ahh I'll miss the midnight premieres and the bookstore sleepovers at Books a Million.


Our 3rd Kpop show :D

Oh, now we are preparing . Nina and Dear are currently singing Beast songs and all as I'm typing this. Unfortunately, I kinda have to do work. SOOO, now I am caught up on all of my days and I am leaving in less than 15. *cries*

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