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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 37 - A Chill day

Today was chilllaxingggg.
Just went to fitness first as always with our trainer. I'm starting to love it.
Love love. It is better than p90x and insanity, i swear.

The Truffle Shuffle!!!!!! Must watch. haha

My dad hates cats,
I mean, he kicked this one on my last day in the Boro because it was in the way of us moving luggage.

We've always been wanting a pet, but it does cost money, so I can see why having a pet would be inconvenient.

Anyway, this stray kitty found us before we all left to Thailand. I couldn't ignore it and not give it food or water, so I did both until I left, then I let my sister and brother do the same until they left for thailand.

Supposedly, my dad gave in by giving the kitty some food.

If this kitty is still at our house when we get back,
I may take it with me to college,
or give it to an animal shelter.

I've been wanting a cat forever.

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