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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 40 - Election + 8 hr Trip

Sorry sorry for late posts. I take too many photos, it takes forever to upload.

 Waking up early in the morning to vote in Thai's election. My aunt bribed me and bought me stuff to get me to vote for her party #1 out of 26 or so. Since I am a thai citizen in some strange way as I have an ID card, I am eligible to vote so we woke up early to go. It is old school and the lines were short. You just get two pieces of colored paper and mark an X. No machines necessary.

Read more here
is it weird my homepage is set to a british news website?

 Now an 8 hr trip to Changmai!
Without Dear and Dew =[

Dew works and Dear has school.

I basically read my book, slept, and listened to music. It was a little hard to sleep though because it was the bumpest road I've ever been on, so it wasn't really a sleep friendly 8 hr trip. We did stop several times to gas stations. Overall, the 8 hr drive was quick!

My brother doesn't know how to use chopstix and eats with his hands instead

Arrival at Noppako place,, a small hotel that is onlyy round $20 a night because it is low season. Whoaaa. A decent hotel and nice rooms, so it is a good deal!
Figuring out the internet and all. Settling down for the next day.
Changmai = northern part of thailand. Thai people here speak slower and contains mountains! Also, a huge huge tourism place. A lot of people here can speak english pretty well compared to Bangkok.
We have a driver! we rented a van like $100. It comes with a driver. I dont know his name, we just call him driver. He knows the places here and can magically reverse. Our van speaks Japanese, literally. It says "WATCH OUT, REVERSING!!!!" in japanese.

Visited a night market type of place. A ton of artsy and craftsy things. It makes me jealous because they come up with some amazing artsy things to sell. Hand-made stitched or painted. Some street performers and some homeless around. SUPERR packed place. Lots of foreigners and this place was cheaper than bangkok.

on a stick.

It isn't frozen like in Tennessee.

Fresh and the home place where they make it.
It is so godly delicious.

View day 40 Photo Album (98)

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