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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 6 - On a Boat

thats our boat?
Today: Got on a boat, a bus, a taxi, and went to Central Plaza, different from the other one before. (how many are there?!) and visited Platinum mall. Just walked around aimlessly because the layout is super confusing.

Travelling by regular boat = 14 baht
Travel by tourist boat = 40 baht

Also, it was hilarious when our boat splashed on a tourist boat and got some guy's pants leg all soaked.

on a boatttt

people waiting to get on


hell yeah pepsi comes in a bottle

stray dogs everywhereeeeeee

street vendor place - why do we eat hot stuff when its hot outside?

On the bus , an older lady slowly made her way onto the bus. You could tell she struggled a little bit because she wobbled as she got on. The guy sitting in the first seat immediately got up and gestured her to sit there. He probably didn’t know the bus was full either because when I looked back to see where he sat, he was standing instead because it was completely full. Even if he did, it was a generous act my camera could never capture.

where they have new years gathering like NY
a different Central World, the one they burned during protests and took 6 months to rebuild



yeah, this is their list of stores. seriously.

i think that "FUCR" word is bad

Also I think "BRTCH" is a bad word too in a mall


Platinum mall, with 2,000+ stores in 2 buildings

Platnium Mall, will get a photo eventually, but picture side by side small rooms of clothing, or accessories, or souvenirs, or games, or etc in long aisles. Bought two v-necks for $7ish - colored and striped! My shopping list includes:

- pants for fall
- more jean shorts
- collar shirts
- stripe tank tops

Ate on the top floor, the 5th? 6th? whatever, and it was delicious. Another long row of food to choose by paying with a coupon card.

My aunt watering her garden?

You dont have to watch the whole video, just gives you a small glimpse

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