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Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 2 - Vacation starts now

ZaoShangHao (Good Morning)
I had to break the news to my grandfather today
Sorry, I don't remember chinese, at all. I'm blaming design for conflicting schedules.

Yes, I am partial Thai, but dont forget, I can't speak it well.
 I can understand it by using context clues though.

So I forgot some basic needs like my toothbrush and facial wash.
I woke up around 8:30am, the earliest ever this summer and surprisingly awake

Well our goal today was to:
1. Get Drivers License
2. Watch Kung Fu Panda 2
3. Buy Stuff

My cousin Dear (left) aka Panda. I came to Thailand early for her because shes going back to college Sunday. Their school session starts around this time and they get some months off like we do.
She's a major in Japanese and loves Pandas, hence the  nickname and her liking to switch to the "Panda Channel" on tv randomly. (not a kung fu panda, but does have the quality of the hunger all day) 

On the right is her friend, pronounced Kan? but her nickname is Duckie.

She lives in a nice suburb with security guards. Most places here are not that nice. Being rich is considered having an HDTV with satelite, the norm for the U.S. Sometimes even having a car or western toliet too. We have a western toliet, YES! Otherwise I would panic a little because I can't use an Eastern toliet. No really, I dont understand how to use it.

My aunt, Dear's mom. I swear I think I almost died 20 times today. I don't know how she can drive in the crazyness of Thailand. If you think the people in Tennessee can't drive, you are sooo wrong.

Lines are merely guidelines, people cut left and right, and motorcyclists drive in the middle and anywhere.

Gas here is between $1-$1.38 - I bet you wish it was that cheap in the U.S
Do they have an minimum wage?
Yes, around 30 baht per hour ($1) 
So, that gives you a rough sense as to why things are cheap here

Dear makes 400 baht per day which is only $12

We did stop by the DMV 
 roughly the same as ours, but you go through a driving school for 15 hours

Panda and Duckie got their license!

This is Central Plaza,
I'm going to mention it multiple times because it is the closest shopping center and one of my favorites. Legit stuff.
500 shops, 100 restaurants. 5 floors? 12 floors? FO REAL.


Of course the mall has a movie theater too

I recommend Kung Fu Panda 2. If you want a laugh, WATCH IT!

Of course the mall has a sweet cafeteria

Steps to using the sweet cafeteria
  • Get a cash card, 100 baht is sufficient (3 bucks)
  • Walk around admiring food displays
  • Get someone else to pick because you will be indecisive to all the good looking food
  • Pay with cash card ( my meal --> 50 baht, $1.63)
  • Find a place to enjoy!
  • Get refund of unused money on card 

of course the mall has a grocery store underneath.
I mistook that G button in the elevator as ground floor

Grocery list - COMPLETE

Now for some reals shopping
of course it would be just outside across a walkway

SoOOoO many individual shops.
Some people don't like photos, I mean counterfeit shops, you know.
But things here are super cheap. My cousin likes to bargain, but if you are a tourist - you can't bargain

Flipflops = 190 baht =$6
Black Jean shorts = 400 baht = $12
Ipod touch case = 150 baht = $5

Tow Rai? (How much)
Lot Dai Mai (Lower price?)

It's like a thrift store...but better because it is so hard trying to find skinny jean shorts

The guy didn't believe I couldn't speak Thai or was foreign because I have a Thai ID card (from last trip)
He said I was pretty Thai looking and was confused that I wasn't white.

Time to go home via Taxi.
Their taxi colors remind me of skittles
Bright colors with some mix n match

Home! waiting for someone to open the gate
Most homes have gates, no lawns. I don't remember seeing grass.
Honestly I'm not sure how rain doesn't flood the city like no ones business.

Oh yeah, its suppose to rain all week, we shall find out!

Oh gpa is here, time to go!

Thanks Dad for sticking cherries in my suitcase untaped because I am randomly finding cherries in my luggage. Delicious nonetheless.

Snap, I forgot, mostquitos are here.
After I found 5 bites I decided to come up here and update.
Hi, leave comments if you wish. =]

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