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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 5 - Bye Dear

My cousin Dear goes back to University - Oh no!

An insight to her dorm

On the way there at 6:30am in the morning.
I was wide awake while everyone slept.
I was pretty interested in their architecture style, I noticed one building with art deco!
That's one thing school taught me.

I also couldn't tell where Bangkok ended,
we drove for 30 minutes and it still looked like we were in Bangkok.
We arrived at a passing by city, like how Smryna is to Murfreesboro. We stopped for breakfast, even though we had a box of krispykreme. My aunt bought me lotto tickets, already picked and ready to be bought. I'm not sure how much money it is or anything

 We arrived on campus to Dear's school.
It's called Burapha University <-- read more

Their buildings are MASSIVE with a 256 acre land. This university campus is pretty widespread and larger than UT-Knoxville fo sure.

Tutition is not even $200. (SERIOUSLY)
The dorms are only $60.
 Most places in Bangkok are outsideish.
EhHhh! So we have it lucky with all of our A/C buildings
 Arrived at Dear's dorm. Video below.
I asked how much apartments were, she said if it is near the skytrain is 20,000 baht ($660), if its further it can range from 2,000-6,000 baht. No way. I would love to live in Bangkok in an apartment then.

 Leave your shoes at the door applies to dorms too
 I wondered why us U.S students take 10 boxes when it comes to moving in/out of dorms and my cousin only had 2 bags. It is because they dont need clothes, they have uniforms.
 Hey, delicious coconut made ice cream for only 10 baht. With nuts and lychee. SO GOOD.

Do you ever remember ice cream being only 30 cents?

It didn't have a creamy texture, but the texture rubbed against your tongue in your mouth as it melted. Super impressed.

 FLASHBACK, this is me, my brother, and my sister.
In one family photo, I have on a yellow shirt and my brother that exact outfit. This is weird.

Not kidding. This family reminded me of my family so long ago. All asian girls have that haircut at this age.
We visited the aquarium on her campus.
I went there last time I was here, but its always great to visit places again

My favorite was the octopi

 And whatever these are.

 I am so tempted to get coffee.
It's only $1.40 for all kinds - this is too good to be true.

 Monkey Mountain!
Where monkeys roam the mountainside and you can feed them. They are wild though. I was sad I couldn't get out of the car to take better photos.

 This seafood restaurant by the mountain was delicious. $30 for our 4 seafood dishes.

Our biggest meals for 4 has only been around $30. Uh,  awesome.

 Seafish pronounced "GOW"
 This was mild, except not really.
Their spice level surpasses mine by 100x
 I dont know how to eat seafood. I mean, there isn't any places in Tennessee really. Theres a few, but expensive. That does not fit a college budget.
 If you park in the sun, they will cover it up for you. How nice! Everything is self - serve in the U.S. What a way to give jobs.
 Dropped Dear off and went to Tesco Lotus. Basically, a Walmart for Thais with yellow signs and green logos.A guy yelled at me for taking photos, so yeah - theres an idea.

Their packaging is different. Design wise, bottles are taller and skinner, and soap comes in bags.
Glass can also be used for liquids as we just bought mini-glass pepsi cans.

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